Source code for TracRemote.connection

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Contains a class for establishing and using connections to Trac servers.
from os.path import basename
from urllib.parse import unquote
import requests as r
from .util import (CRLF, SimpleAttachmentHTMLParser, SimpleIndexHTMLParser,

[docs]class Connection(object): """A representation of the connection to Trac. Parameters ---------- url : :class:`str` The base URL of the Trac server. passfile : :class:`str`, optional A file containing username and password. Overrides ~/.netrc. realm : :class:`str`, optional If the Trac instance uses basic or digest authentication, set this to the authentication realm. debug : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``True``, print more information. """ def __init__(self, url=None, passfile=None, realm=None, debug=False): self._realm = realm self._debug = debug # # Handle login # if url is None: raise ValueError("A Trac URL is required!") self.url = url foo = self.url.split('/') self._baseurl = foo[0] + '//' + foo[2] if passfile is None: username, password = self._readPasswordNetrc(self._baseurl) else: username, password = self._readPassword(passfile) if password is None: raise ValueError(('Could not find a password for ' + '{0}!').format(self.url)) # if self._realm is not None: # auth_handler = HTTPDigestAuthHandler() # auth_handler.add_password(realm=self._realm, # uri=self.url, # user=username, # passwd=password) # self.opener.add_handler(auth_handler) response = r.get(self.url + "/login") self._cookies = response.cookies if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) assert 'trac_form_token' in self._cookies self._form_token = self._cookies['trac_form_token'] if self._realm is None: postdata = {'username': username, 'password': password, '__FORM_TOKEN': self._form_token, 'referer': self.url + "/login"} response = + "/login", data=postdata, cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) # # The cookie named 'trac_auth' is obtained after the POST to the # login page but before the redirect to the wiki front page. # Technically it is obtained in the HTTP headers of the redirect. # self._cookies.update(response.history[0].cookies) assert 'trac_auth' in self._cookies return
[docs] def _readPassword(self, passfile): """Read the password file & return the username & password. Parameters ---------- passfile : :class:`str` File containing Trac username and password. Returns ------- :func:`tuple` A tuple containing the username and password. """ with open(passfile, 'r') as pf: username = (pf.readline()).strip() password = (pf.readline()).strip() return (username, password)
[docs] def _readPasswordNetrc(self, url): """Read the Trac username and password from a .netrc file. Parameters ---------- url : :class:`str` URL of the Trac server Returns ------- :func:`tuple` A tuple containing the username and password. If there is no .netrc file, or if the Trac server is not present, returns ``None``. """ from netrc import netrc try: rc = netrc() except IOError: return None trachost = url[url.index('//')+2:] if trachost.find('/') > 0: foo = hostname.split('/') trachost = foo[0] try: username, account, password = rc.hosts[trachost] except KeyError: return None return (username, password)
[docs] def index(self): """Get and parse the TitleIndex page. Returns ------- index : :class:`list` A list of all Trac wiki pages. """ response = r.get(self.url + "/wiki/TitleIndex", cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) parser = SimpleIndexHTMLParser() parser.feed(response.text) return parser.TitleIndex
[docs] def get(self, pagepath): """Requests a wiki page in text format. Parameters ---------- pagepath : :class:`str` Wiki page to grab. Returns ------- :class:`str` The text of the wiki page. Note that in some cases, the text of the page may contain UTF-8 characters, so a further conversion to unicode may be warranted. The text may also contain Windows (CRLF) line endings. """ response = r.get(self.url + "/wiki/" + pagepath + "?format=txt", cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) return response.text
[docs] def set(self, pagepath, text, comment=None): """Inputs text into the wiki input text box. Parameters ---------- pagepath : :class:`str` Wiki page to update. text : :class:`str` The wiki text. comment : :class:`str`, optional A comment on the change. """ response = r.get(self.url + "/wiki/" + pagepath + "?action=edit", cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) parser = SimpleWikiHTMLParser('version') parser.feed(response.text) postdata = {'__FORM_TOKEN': self._form_token, 'from_editor': '1', 'action': 'edit', 'version': parser.search_value, 'save': 'Submit changes', 'text': CRLF(text)} if comment is not None: postdata['comment'] = CRLF(comment) response = + "/wiki/" + pagepath, data=postdata, cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) return
[docs] def attachments(self, pagepath): """Return a list of files attached to a particular page. Parameters ---------- pagepath : :class:`str` Wiki page to attach to. Returns ------- :class:`dict` A dictionary where the keys are file names and the values are sub-dictionaries that contain the size and mtime of the file. If there are no attachments, the dictionary will be empty. """ response = r.get(self.url + "/attachment/wiki/" + pagepath + "/", cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) parser = SimpleAttachmentHTMLParser() parser.feed(response.text) return parser.attachments
[docs] def attach(self, pagepath, filename, description=None, replace=False): """Attaches a file to a wiki page. Parameters ---------- pagepath : :class:`str` Wiki page to attach to. filename : :class:`str` or :func:`tuple` Name of the file to attach. If a tuple is passed, the first item should be the name of the file, & the second item should be the data that the file should contain. description : :class:`str`, optional If supplied, this description will be added as a comment on the attachment. replace : :class:`bool`, optional Set this to ``True`` if the file is replacing an existing file. """ # # Read and examine the file # if isinstance(filename, tuple): fname = basename(filename[0]) fbytes = filename[1] else: with open(filename, 'rb') as f: fbytes = fname = basename(filename) # # Filename = None prevents the filename from being set in the # multipart/form-data payload. # files = {'attachment': (fname, fbytes, 'application/octet-stream'), '__FORM_TOKEN': (None, self._form_token), 'action': (None, 'new'), 'realm': (None, 'wiki'), 'id': (None, pagepath)} if description is not None: files['description'] = (None, description) if replace: files['replace'] = (None, 'on') response = + "/attachment/wiki/" + pagepath + "/?action=new", files=files, cookies=self._cookies) # # If successful, the initial response should be a redirect. # if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.request.body) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) return
[docs] def detach(self, pagepath, filename, save=True): """Grab a file attached to a wiki page. Parameters ---------- pagepath : :class:`str` Wiki page that contains attached file. filename : :class:`str` Name of the file to read. The name had better match an actual attached file! save : :class:`bool`, optional If set to ``False``, no file will be saved, but the data will still be returned. Returns ------- :class:`str` The raw data read from the file. """ # # Construct url for attachment # fullurl = (self.url + '/raw-attachment/wiki/' + pagepath + '/' + basename(filename)) # # Get the file # response = r.get(fullurl, cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) # # Write the file # if save: ff = unquote(filename) with open(ff, 'wb') as f: f.write(response.content) return response.content
[docs] def close(self): """Close the connection by logging out. """ response = r.get(self.url + '/logout', cookies=self._cookies) if self._debug: print(response.request.headers) print(response.status_code) print(response.headers) return
logout = close