Source code for TracRemote.main

# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Contains entry point for command-line scripts.
import os
import sys
from .connection import Connection

[docs]def main_args(args=None): """Parse the command-line arguments passed to :func:`main`. Parameters ---------- args : :class:`list`, optional Set the command-line arguments for testing purposes. Normally ``sys.argv`` will be parsed. Returns ------- :class:`argparse.Namespace` An object containing the parsed arguments. """ from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter, SUPPRESS from . import __version__ as tr_version description = """trac-remote - The Trac Remote Administration Tool {0}. """.format(tr_version) attachment_help = """add <page> <path> [description] Attach a file to a wiki page. The author will be set using the login. export <page> <name> [destination] Grab an attachment from a wiki page and save it to a file. list <page> List attachments on a wiki page. replace <page> <path> [description] Replace an existing attachment. The author will be set using the login. """ wiki_help = """export <path> [filename] Save a wiki page to a text file or stdout. import <path> [filename] [comment] Create a new wiki page from a text file or stdin. list List wiki pages. replace <path> [filename] [comment] Replace an existing page with a text file. """ parser = ArgumentParser(description=description, formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('URL', help="URL for Trac instance.") parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true', help='Enable debug output.') parser.add_argument('-p', '--password', metavar='FILE', default=None, help=('Read password information from FILE ' + 'instead of %(default)s.')) parser.add_argument('-r', '--realm', metavar='REALM', default=None, help=('Set basic or digest authentication realm, if ' + 'the Trac instance does not use its own ' + 'authentication mechanism.')) parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s '+tr_version) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(dest='cmd_name') parser_attach = subparsers.add_parser('attachment', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, help='Manage attached files.') parser_attach.add_argument('command', choices=['add', 'export', 'list', 'replace'], help=attachment_help) parser_attach.add_argument('arguments', nargs='*', help='Arguments to one of the commands above.') parser_wiki = subparsers.add_parser('wiki', formatter_class=RawTextHelpFormatter, help='Manage wiki pages.') parser_wiki.add_argument('command', choices=['export', 'import', 'list', 'replace'], help=wiki_help) parser_wiki.add_argument('arguments', nargs='*', help='Arguments to one of the commands above.') if args is None: options = parser.parse_args() else: options = parser.parse_args(args) return options
[docs]def validate_args(options): """Validate the arguments to the various sub-commands. Parameters ---------- options : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Parsed options. Returns ------- :class:`bool` ``True`` if the arguments are valid. """ nargs = {'attachment': {'add': 2, 'export': 2, 'list': 1, 'replace': 2}, 'wiki': {'export': 1, 'import': 1, 'list': 0, 'replace': 1} } return len(options.arguments) >= nargs[options.cmd_name][options.command]
[docs]def dispatch(options): """Determine function to run, given arguments. Parameters ---------- options : :class:`argparse.Namespace` Parsed options. Returns ------- :class:`str` Any output from the commands. """ c = Connection(options.URL, options.password, options.realm, options.debug) output = '' if options.cmd_name == 'attachment': if options.command == 'add': if len(options.arguments) < 3: c.attach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], replace=False) else: c.attach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], description=options.arguments[2], replace=False) if options.command == 'export': # # If a destination is specified, we *don't* want detach to save it. # if len(options.arguments) > 2: data = c.detach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], False) with open(options.arguments[2], 'wb') as f: f.write(data) else: foo = c.detach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], True) if options.command == 'list': at = c.attachments(options.arguments[0]) for fname in at: output += (fname + ("\t{size:d} bytes\t{author}\t{mtime}\t" + "{comment}").format(**at[fname])) if options.command == 'replace': if len(options.arguments) < 3: c.attach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], replace=True) else: c.attach(options.arguments[0], options.arguments[1], description=options.arguments[2], replace=True) if options.cmd_name == 'wiki': if options.command == 'export': text = c.get(options.arguments[0]) if len(options.arguments) > 1: with open(options.arguments[1], 'w') as t: t.write(text) else: output = text if options.command == 'import' or options.command == 'replace': if len(options.arguments) > 1: if os.path.exists(options.arguments[1]): with open(options.arguments[1], 'rb') as t: text = else: text = if len(options.arguments) > 2: c.set(options.arguments[0], text, options.arguments[2]) else: c.set(options.arguments[0], text) if options.command == 'list': title_index = c.index() output = "\n".join(title_index)+"\n" return output
[docs]def main(): """Main entry point for the trac-remote script. Returns ------- :class:`int` An integer suitable for passing to :func:`sys.exit`. """ options = main_args() valid = validate_args(options) if not valid: print(('trac-remote: error: too few or invalid arguments to ' + '"{0.cmd_name} {0.command}"').format(options)) return 1 if options.password is not None: if not os.path.exists(options.password): print('Password file {0} is missing!'.format(options.password)) return 2 output = dispatch(options) if output: print(output) return 0